HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-0042.Weddell.79-05-04Between: IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under The CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD Mr. David Weddell (Grievor) Before: For the Grievor: The Crown in Right of Ontario Ministry of Correctional Services (Employer) Mr. G. W. Adams Chairman Mr. V. Harris Member Mr. H. Simon Member Mr. N. Luczay, Classification Officer Ontario Public Service Employees Union 1901 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario For the Employer: Mr. J. Whibbs,. Manager Regional Personnel Ministry of Correctional Services Peterborough, Ontario Hearing:, January 12, 1979 Suite 2100, 180 Dundas St. West Toronto;Ontario I ; -2- The grievor is presently classified as a Supply Clerk 2 at ~Millbrook Correctional Center and is employed in the store room. His supervisor is Mr. K. Fallis, a Supply Clerk 6. The grievance involves Mr. Weddell's claim that his job is more properly classified as Suppy Clerk 3. The grievor has held this position since November 1, 1976 and testified that he believed his job to be improperly classified from the beginning. His supervisor testified that the job.had been classified as Supply Clerk 2 for over twenty years and that there had been no change in its content. The position description accurately reports r the relevant job functions Position Title Position Code 8' 19-4101-16 Stores Clerk This position isr Previous Position Title Class Title XX Revised Sl?XEICZEPING AsSZSTAi?T Clerk 2, Supply Class Code 51202 Imnediate Supervisor's Title Position Code STOREICEEPER 19-4101-15 MiiliStty Division Correctional Services Operations Branch Adult Institutions Section &cation (Address) Eastern Region Millbrook C.C. Millbrook, Ontario No. of incumbents Positions Supervised Incumbents Supervised Directly Indirectly Directly Indirectly 1 nil nil nil nil 2. PURPOSE OF POSITION (why does this position exist. 3 State goals objectives etc.) To provide assistance to the Storekeeper in the operation of Stores such as receiving,~ Packaging, shipping, etc. To assume duties of Storekeeper during absences. To supervise inmates in the Stores. 3. SUBMARY OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (Indicate percentage of tine spent Indicate scope, equipment, working on each significant function. conditions unusual features etc.) 1. 45% ASSISTS THE STOREEEEPER BY PERFORMING DUTIES RELATED TO RECEIPT OF GOODS BY: Receiving goods by unloading trucks ensuring Correct amunt 6 -3- and good condition: verifying goods received with Packing slip noting damages, etc. and checking against purchase form; alloca- ting receiving slip number and recording in ledger (numerical , sequence); placing items in bins or proper storage area; amending bin cards as necessary: advising institution of goods received to.arrange for delivery to various areas of institu- tion; receiving manufactured goods from institutional industries, unloading and storing same and recording quantities on bin card and issuing receiving slip; rotating stock in bins by bringing old stock to the front for immediate use when filling orders; informing storekeeper of shortages; 2. 45% ASSISTS THE STOREKEEPER BY PERFORMING DUTIES RELATED To T&E ISSUE OF GOODS BY: Issuing goods according to requisitions to various areas of tha institution and local jails bu coliectinq. goods from bins, amending bin cards as required and completing stores withdrawal form entering daterof issue, quantity stock number and balance in stock; completing industrial sales orders by issuing industrial products i.e. packaging, preparing pre- numbered packing slips, for goods being shippsd and invoice purposes etc.: amending bin:.cards as necessary; preparing bills of lading and advising that product is ready for shipntr assist- ing in shipping goods by loading on truck; dealing with licence plate procedures by receiving cartons from Marker Plant, storing in proper area according to.locaIity and number of bores, and loading on shipping vehicle; receivi,ng scrap metal from Marker Plant by unloading from truck and emptying into truck body, utilizing fork lift; arranging for scrap dealer to be contacted ensuring cleanliness of stores area by dusting, sweeping, mapping, etc.; 3. ~lO%'ASSUNES DVTIESOF STOREKBEPBRDVRING ABSENCES BY PERFORMING ..~..~.., 'SUCH DVTIES'ASz receiving specific or general instructions from 'Storekeeper re operation of Stores during absences: checkiny‘items receivedagainst-packing slips, requisitions, etc.; receiving nec- essary signatures; affixing labels or addressing goOdSi taking appropriate action in case of damaged goods, shortshipments such as contacting supplier or referring to Office Manager; preparing and keeping necessary daily records. N.B. Incumbent has the assistance of l-4 inmates for heavy work such as unloading barrels (45 gallons), licence plates, steel coils, scrap metal etc., similar loading duties, and maintaining clean conditions around shipping and office areas; incumbent has responsibility for providing correctional supervision apart from assigning and instructing in duties for the majority of working time. Note Kl - CRA applies to this position. 4. SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED TO PERFORW THE WORK (State Education, Training, Experience etc.) Grade 10 or equivalent academic training and practical related experience. Minimum of two years of stockroom experience. Ability to~work in an institutional environment and to follow simple instructions. i -4- 5. SIGNATURES Date Ministry Official Date Immediate Supervisor 7/2/78 7/2/78 K. Fallis (Signed) J. A. Rundle, Superintendent (Signed) UC. A. Fallis) CLASS ALWCATION Class Title Class Code Clerk 2, Supply 51202 A. ( Incumbent performs a variety of routine clerioal and manual work in the stores area under general supervision. ) Confirm&ion of present class. Salary note iU applies Signature of Authorized Evaluator (iSi+W?d) ate: 23202/78 The preamble to the Clerk Supply series notes that many factors in stockroom jobs are common to all stock rooms and vary significantly only to the extent that the size of the storekeeping function varies and,thus, the overriding criterion in making allocations in the series is the size of the Stockkeeper's function. A small stockroom is defined as one operated by one employee or by one employee and one assistant. Medium, large,and very large stockrooms are defined in terms of a supervisor and two to four, five to nine and ten or more subordinates, respectively. The value of annual stock turnover in~reform institutions is a relevant consideration as well, but only in respect of supervisors. The grievor is not a supervisor. . . The Clerk 2, Supply standard contains the following class description: CLASS DEFINITION: CLERK a, SUPPLY 51202 This class covers the positions of employees performing a Variety of routine msnual.and clerical duties in stockrooms. Under general supervision they carry out a number of the various tasks connected with the receiving, storage, handling and distribution of a wide variety of equipment and supplies. They check incoming shipments against weigh bills i for shortage and damage in transit; check quantities against packing slips and purchase orders; contact suppliers regarding short shipments, delays, back orders etc; place items on shelves or bins, adjusting bin cards to keep perpetual inventory. They also maintain stock ledgers or cards showing the receipt and issue of all articles including the value of items on hand. They assemble orders for authorized requisitions; tag and address shipments; contact the conveyor and complete necessary records for the transaction. This is a terminal class for employees who perform in-a supply area, simple clerical duties in conjunction with tasks requiring the freguent application of considerable physical ,effort or the operation of mechanical equipment. The Clerk 3, Supply standard contains quite .a different.clziss definition. It reads: CLASS DEFINITION: CLERK 3, SUPPLY 51204 This class‘covers the positions of employees who alone, maintain a very small stockroom where the record keeping function is elementary. They are responsible for Checking that the correct amount and type of goods are received, maintaining security, issuing stock to authorized persons and Checking stock levels. This class also covers the positions of employees who, under the general supervision of a higher level supply clerk are in sole charge of subsidiary specialized technical or trade stockrooms. They requisition supplies; ensure the careful checking of incoming stock; the shipment of stock against authorized requisitions and the security of the stockroom. The responsibility for these stockrooms is a full time occupation often including the repair and adjustment of technical equipment. This Class al.90 covers the pasitions Of employees acting as group leaders. Some of these are in charge of functional units in large Stockrooms, such as shipping or receiving. In all positions they assign end check the work of tw or more subordinate personnel. This class also covers the psitiow~of employees who spend at least 20% of their working time in purchasing as defined in the preamble of this series end who report to a supervisor whose position has been upgraded by one level because of purchasing responsibilities. On the face of this latter description, the grievor's position cannot be said to fa77 within it. The Board heard evidence that a much smaller stock room in the institution at Monteith, Ontario employed -6- a Supply Clerk 2 as well as a more senior supervisory clerk. But be that as it may, the class standards do not take such differences into account at the Supply Clerk 2 level as they do for the more super- visory clerk positions. This grievance is, therefore, dismissed. Dated at Toronto this 4th day of May, 1979. Mr. G. kL Adams b Chairman I concur Mr. V. Harris Member (See dissent) Mr. H. Simon Member Toronto, Ontario '~-May~4, 1979 ,- 7 - ADDENDUM ~DISSENT Award 42178 Mr. David Weddell and Ministry of Correctional Services The Employer has adopted a policy of holding down all Clerks in the Correctional. Institutions at the Clerk 2 Supply level, irrespec- s tive of their duties and responsibilities. The grievor performs duties that are above the,Clerk 2 Supply definitions. I would allow the grievance to succeed. Rarry Simon Member